Apr 28, 2004 13:52
hey guys weLL not much has haPPend today, went to school as normal, and blah blah blah. went to engLish and my teacher was acTing weird, i said good morning to her, and she was aLL like uhh morning lol....and i was like ok, and whatever, then i went to ummm science and it wasnt preTTY good, i hate that claSS. wow today i get my desK!! lol im so excited as long as it doesnt rain. anyway, i have science homework, but at least its not math...whatever. i hung out with kari and grace in p.e today, it was fuNN excepT grace kept hurTing me with her freaKin naiLs omg! so0o0o thers 3 m0re daYs tiLL my birthday and i cant wait but it would be beTTer and more exciting if i had my permiTT then if i had my permitt and when it comes to my birthday, i could have goTTen my license, i mean come on! whatever it doesnt maTTer, so0o0o my friend t Exts meSSages me, and shes like im in IS and i go why, she goes because i got susPenDed, im like omg, and she goes im so bored, or whatever after she asks what im doin, i go im in english so ya LOL, uhhhhhh im reaLLy bored, im in the compUter lab, and were suPPosed to be doing our yearbOOk proJect for jouRnaLism, but ya, we have two wEEks for it but whatever. . . i gueSS ima go, iLL write more latEr !!!!