NO baths + Acid trips + PrOtesting = Hippie

Jan 17, 2005 17:27

Heyy whats flaking!!
Im such a cOrn flake well anywhO
my break has been sO much fun
Ive been dOing sO many things
Ive been On many adventures Im a rebel!!

Sat. -
Ok sO i wOke up and basicly vegitated like a big fat celary stick
then arOund 3ish Erica came tO pick me up..
then we went tO gO pick up Javi and frOm there it was time tO gO tO the usa flea
when we gOt there we went tO Alex's tatOO shOp
but just Our luck it was clOsed and ushually Alex was the Only One whO wOuld pierce me withOut I.D. sO i thOught i was stuck..
sO i tOOk my chances and went tO anOther place they were really cOOl and let me dO it..
sO i sat dOwn in what LOOked and felt like a dentist chair
and he lOOked at my ear and put alchOhal On it and rammed the needle in me
im sO brave i really didint feel it thOugh and they put a lil hOOp in..
i LOve it thOugh..
Then we left and we went past the zOO tO drOp Off Javi
Jeez!! he lives far.. Then Erica and i had a lOng cOnvO On the way hOme
and when i gOt hOme mOther wasent tO pleased On my new piercing but whO cares??
sO then i went tO sleep..

Sun. -
I wOke up arOund 1ish thinking it was ganna be a very bOring day at hOme
but Javi called me and said that we shOuld gO and have lunch
sO i gOt dressed and we went tO Akashi tO gO eat sushi
he was having sOme trOuble with his chOp sticks =] i Ordered a green salad
with ginger dressing and OfcOurse DragOn rOlls.. he lOved it
the we busted a mission tO get hOme cause we walked tO a metrO rail statiOn
then it tOOk us tO dOuglas rOad and frOm there we tOOk a bus tO bird rOad
and at the target i gOt Off and walked twO blOcks and i was hOme it was pretty cOOl
a gOOd expirience cause ive never been On the metrO and a public bus
i was a little nervOus but it was cOOl..
then at hOme i watched sOme mOvies with Ben & Jerry LOl..

MOn. -
well i awOke at 7 in the mOrning cause i had tO gO tO Mima's hOuse
and i gOt there and fell asleep and wOke up arOund 11ish..
then i just ate sOme sOup that my grandma made me and Jupina (pineapple juice)
then i started watching a 4 hOur mOvie On the 6o's it was sO cOOl
gOsh!! if i lived in that era i wOuld have been such a cOOl hippie
seriOusly its the cOOlest smOking pOt, acid, wOOdstOck, the music, prOtesting against the vietnam war.. Its super cOOl
well anywhO my mOm picked me and carOlina up and we gOt hOme and im updating
cOOl beans huh??

Peace and LOve

Me and Jazii Pics

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