Heart BrOken..

Dec 22, 2004 14:13

Hey well sOrry its been a cOuple Of days..
Well the past 4-5 days ive been at the beach
at Kristy's apartment
and we just chilled we went tO the mall and shOpped
walked the beach and had lOng cOnversatiOns
and we went tO a 15's and we gOt pretty drunk
Ohh and we went tO apple bee's fOr Alma's bday..
It was pretty bad cause CarlOs and Jamila were there talking shit
then yeah we left..
then i finnaly gOt hOme yesterday but befOre i went hOme
Kevin tOOk me tO jOnathans hOuse.. nOthing happend
but it felt wierd talking tO him and seeing him
he lOOks Ok he has all his teeth but he has really shOrt hair
sO therefOre Oscar lied tO me and made me wOrry fOr nOthing
then tO day i wOke up pretty early
the cleaning lady wOke me up..
then Andy stOpped by fOr a secOnd tO say hOla
and then Alan came Over we chilled and we talked and i tOld him hOw i feel
abOut the whOle jOnathan situatiOn
and the fact that i jumped intO a relatiOnship sO quick withOut
fOrgeting abOut the last One and nOt giving me time tO get Over it..
sO right nOw bOth Of us agreed that he needs tO give me time
tO think and get Over things and then we'll get back tOgether
sO yeah nOw im eating pizza and watching Laguna Beach..
sO i might chill with Evelyn tOday sO i'll update sOOn..

YOur the best thing
and the wOrst thing
thats happend tO me


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