Whats gOOd mOther puckers??
well tOday was just a nOrmal day,
Like any Other day..
Other than the fact that i was freezing my balls Off
and i was fully clOthed (which is gOOd) =]
sO i went tO schOOl it was Ok i didint dO much..
then after schOOl me and Alan walked tO his hOuse
He made me a sandwhich =] It was gOOd!!
and we just kicked it fOr a little bit
then he walked me hOme and yeah.. thats kinda where im at nOw
sO im guessing nOthing very fascinating is gOing tO Occur
But when it dOes i'll let yOu knOw..
By the way i hOpe yOu like the pics..