[left on his bed]
[and a note]
Haku ♥
Happy Valentine's Day!
Make sure to put the real flowers in water!
Love Sakura xoxo
[left in his office in a pink envelope with hearts drawn all over it and in red "To Kakashi XOXO Love Sakura"]
[Part two of his Christmas present ♥]
[left on his bed on top of the another gift wrapped in orange paper with pink ribbon]
[with a note on top]
To Ferdinand
So you never get lonely ♥
xoxo Sakura
[in the loudly wrapped box]
♥ A pair of gloves that match his orange jacket
♥ Very expensive chocolates, all the same dark with orange flavoured (and coloured) filling
♥A handmade card with lace and sparkles and other really cheesy valentine's stuff on it.
Happy Valentine's Day ♥
Lots of Love xoxoxoxoxoxo
[left on his bed with a pink ribbon]
Love you! ♥
PS You'd better not get drunk!
PPS If that's not the right one... too bad.
Love Sakura xoxo