Nov 27, 2006 16:50
Today was my first day of school, and last night was my first night with my host family. The family is great, very nice, Two daughters, a dog, some birds. However I cried alot because of several reasons, the first and most roublesome is the fact that I am allergic to my room and bed so I wake up not being able to breath, and am spitting up phlem all morning. I cant comminicate this to them, and also dont want to be rude. I put in a request to switch houses, unfortunately it might be more of the same. I can deal with the springs comming out of the mattress and cutting me, the bed bugs and\or fleas, I can even handle the loneliness that comes with eating alone in the center of a room of people whos language you dont speak well enough to have a conversation with.
The school I am studying at is amazing, fisrt of all let me say that it is collective run, and highly pollitical in a good way. I get one on one teaching 5 hours a day 5 days a week, the library here is more than I expected, with a wide range of books in spanish and english, and movies as well as board games. There is free coffee and water. There are also alot of week night and weekend activities to chose from, including mountain hikes, hot spings, futball, movie nights, seminars, and news breif\commentary! It is alot better than I expected, and would recomend it to anyone traveling through here.
Today I cried alot, in a very cleansing way that felt super great.
Today I think i figured out all my money troubles and hope it will be fixed by tuesday after noon!
Today was a starnge day.
I checked out some books fromt eh library that I hope will make me feel better, so I will be reading The House On Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros... and also I, Rigoberta Menchu. I should go study now, and get ready for dinner.
I think I will get some postres in case I need chearing up later.