Oct 17, 2004 15:02

Most of these were in the last day of school and if not, they were over the summer at Heidi's house n_n ENJOY!

Left To Right: Sarah, Caitie, Anna, Cassie, Tegan, And Sara (the person very up close to the camera is Cece)
This is a whole bunch of homies at Davannis on the last day of school. Someone else was taking a picture and Heidi decides to snap one too and that's why they're looking the other way lol!

Left To Right: Sean, Paul, Paul N, and Cheng (Hudson in the background with the funny face lol)
Some of the guys on the last day of school, last hour, geography.

Left To Right: Heidi, Kayla, ME!
Hanging out at Heidi's house last summer, we were about to goto the movies. (Kayla brought over lei's so we all were attacking them and looked like losers by wearing them to the movies lol!

Picture we took on the last day of school. Ramsey, our Jr High, is right in the middle past the cars and that one big building. (it's really hard to see hehe)

AMANDA aka MANDY MOOSTER! Last day of school HELL YEAH! Haha we were all excited and running around making sure people signed our yearbooks and Heidi just snapped a pic of Amanda before we had to leave.

Left To Right: Laura, Noah, Heidi, Vicki, Audra, Kayla, and ME!
We were hanging out after school on the last day of school at the College Campus lol. They had this cool little dome thngy and we made Noah jump up and right the bell lol!

SEXY ME! Wearing Heidi's sexy hat in her sexy room lol. Lots of sexiness goin on in this picture lol!

Last day of school in geography, last hour, taking a final test. Heidi's didn't have to take it because she had mono and missed half of the 2nd semester so she just sat there helping me cheat lol *shh don't tell* and I just took a random pic of her lol! Sysie is behind her trying to finish his test btw lol.

Left To Right: Paul N, Nick, and Wesley
2 Minutes from the bell and we're all happy!

Heidi and Kayla with their sexy selves! n_n

Breanna (she'd kill me if she knew that I put this pic of her up lol) with 2 frickin boxes of starbursts. DAMN she was hungry lol!
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