We Don't Need To Be Seeing Naked Guys Fighting Other Naked Guys!!

Mar 28, 2007 19:49

So I had physical therapy tonight. It was fairly fun, but i'm moving from the easy stuff to the more difficult stuff. I just think....therapy is going to be over on April 20th. But anyways.

My therapist, Cait, made me lay on my stomach and made me try and raise my arms. OMFGWTF. I could hardly lift my arms off. HARDLY!! OMG! How I can I even hit the ball in tennis? omg. I need to work on it. I need to definately work hard. And then after that, I did shoulder pinches which is kinda pinching your shoulder blades together while raising your arms to the sides while laying on your stomach. After that, I did the "prissy pose."

Cait told me that most people after having spinal fusions stand up straight as a pin, sit up straight as a pin, all that. Because if they stand up how they used to, they feel like they are falling. And thats how I feel. That puts pressure on the lower back and thats whats happening to my lower back and its making it hurt and thats why i'm getting therapy. The prissy pose (i don't get the name, in my mind standing prissy is standing straight and tall. I dunno, I didn't make it up) is standing how you used to stand before surgery. Its hard.

And theres sitty prissy, which isn't hard either.

And then I did some exercises standing prissy and Cait would push me and stuff. Yes. Ever so fun.

And then we worked on the aerobic ball thing. OMFG. I thought I was going to pop that freaking thing, omfg. It was horrible. But the exercises are pretty fun on it. Mom and I might go look at some tommarow. And maybe while we're at the store, we can check in on some running/exercise shoes. hehe.

School was alright today. Boring.

At least tommarow is the last day of the school week. YAY!!! YAY!!

Tommarow is my last day of art...I'm painting a picture of Asuka from Evangelion. And I have the sky backround done and some of her hair done, eyes, hairclips. But uuugh. I'm NEVER going to finish the skin, hair, and dress in only 45. I will die if I don't finish it though. aaa! Oh, and its the end of 3rd quater. Thank god we start fresh next week.

I'm sad becuase I have 2 Ds. WTF. I mean, this was my first quater back and I'm happy to have a's and b's but still. I'm used to having ONLY a's and ONLY b's. D+ in math and just D in science. I got a 37% on a math quiz today. Uuuuugh! I did an extra credit sheet and did my homework so MAYBE (i pray to god) that my grade will somehow just rise up to a C- or something. *gets down on hands and knees and prays*

But theres nothing I can do for science. I hate that class.


i'm gunna go.

Very tired.

See ya!

Ooooh! And about the title, i'm watching Get Rich Or Die Trying (the 50 Cent movie) with my dad and just out of NOWHERE...they show a bunch of naked guys jumping 50 cent in the showers in jail. WTF.

Dad: OMG!??! WTF!?!?!? DON'T WATCH!!!
Me: *laughing like crazy*

school, therapy, naked guys fighting, 50 cent

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