More Doctor Who stuff!

Jun 28, 2010 22:59

  • This pictorial recap of 5x13 is pretty much the best ever.
  • I discovered got_my_boys & read all the fic yesterday. I'm really hoping that there will be an explosion of Doctor/Amy/Rory during the hiatus. :D?
  • There is also ponchoboys for Doctor/Rory, which I also love! Just not as much as OT3. Still. Nose & chin jokes! AAAH LOVE!
  • The always-awesome reinventweather pointed this out to me:

    You know when you hear Rory say, "I was plastic!" and then there's some other mumbled thing after? Yeah, that's what he's saying. "He was the stripper at my stag." AAAAH SHOWWW! <3
  • This video is so awesome! Matt Smith w/ Orbital playing the Doctor Who theme! I WANT TO GO TO THERE.
  • Some recs!
    • Listening by freakishlemon. Eleven/Rory (but basically gen), G.
      Rory learns about the Doctor's past. Quiet and beautiful.
    • Old Books and New Conversations by makokitten. Eleven/Rory(/Amy), PG.
      Rory starts to understand the Doctor, and makes a proposition. Heartbreaking, and yet not so much once you've seen the whole season.
    • Six Times the Doctor Didn't Get to Have a Threesome, and One Time He Did by alt_universe_me. Amy/Rory/Eleven (among others), R.
      This isn't really how I see the Doctor, but it's hilarious enough that I have to share it anyway.
    • A Reward by b_c_draygon. Doctory/Rory, Rory/Amy, PG.
      The Doctor is impressed by Rory and sees fit to reward him. Again, not quite the way I see it happening, but adorable nonetheless.
    • Making Believe by fivery. Amy/Rory, G.
      SO CUTE! Gah, I love them. Favorite canon couple EVER!
    • Seventeen Things That Happen to Rory Williams, After by
      scribe. Eleven/Rory, PG-13.
      AU where Amy dies after 5x08 - The Hungry Earth. I'm always wary when a major character is killed off, fearing it's just to get the characters together. But this was about loss and moving on, and it was brilliantly done, I think. There's also Jack. :D?
    • all you need is love by roachpatrol. Amy/Rory/Doctor, NC-17.
      Last but far from least! A bit of a spin-off on 5x07 - Amy's Choice. This is how I see it happening. The Doctor would never show his hand; they'd have to discover it elsewhere. And this is good, and hot, and my favorite so far. Definitely recommend!

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fic: recs, tv: doctor who

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