Sep 26, 2005 15:17
Allison is going to shoot my head off if i dont update...
We're in graphic design now. I dont even remember whats happened these past... 2 weeks?
>September 15-18<
Thursday the 15th- rehearsal and OC....mmmm.
Friday the 15th WAS FIRST UNOFFICIAL SKIP DAY OF JUNIOR YEAR!!! HAHAHA yes... so teachers sucked that day, including AMY!!!! So.. Shuli, Leora, GK and myself all were "sick" from the pizza and got our parents to sign us out.. we went to buy ice cream and go swimming and tan!!! SO MF FUN AND LIBERATING!!!!
Last Saturday night Gutman and I went out together on a cute outing.
Sunday-work and rehearsal...bleh.
>September 19-23<
So Monday I prepared for Hurricane Rita at Shuli's house and put up shutters while being attacked by killer bees. Gutman, Greg and Morris came to hang out, and after that Morris Shuli and I went out to eat.
Tuesday- Lazy hurricane day doing lots of work with Gutman helping me do Bio (he's so sweet). Gross rehearsals and then some.
Weds- Ew, MORE rehearsals...
Thursday- Opening of The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds which was AWESOME BC NATALIE IS AWESOME AND SO IS TAMIRRRR (the only two who might see this who're in the show).
Friday-Saw Sammie and Raphael and we chilled like we haven't in a really long time. =)
Saturday night-more plays.....and then Sara's Pizza with play crew, then to Morris's where Apple nargila killed everybody's lungs and left my clothes smelling pleasantly Israeli.
I ORDERED MY iPOD NANO!!!! BLACK AND AESTHETICALLY SEXAY. (Natalie has Godparenting rights).