Dec 20, 2004 15:43
I think I might be getting sick, and I don't like it. Anyone who really knows me knows that I am repulsed by illness, the illness of others and of myself. It just grosses me out. This sucks. I guarantee I probably caught whatever I am coming down with in the dirty shit-hole of a school I go to. Seriously, school is like a breeding ground for germs. The other day I saw someone sneeze all over their hands and then wipe them on their desk. W T F! That probably happens all the friggn time, and guess who sits at those desks... yeah. I feel like an actual piece of shit, like someone literally shit me out of their shitty ass. I really felt as if I was going to blow chunks on the bus this morning but did all I could to hold it back and succeeded, which is a damn good thing because that would be MO embarrassing.... Especially because of that one day last year when I puked 4 times on the bus in one morning, yes one ride on the way to school... Haha.. If I did that again people would probably be like, "what the hell is wrong with this person?" It was terrible when that happened. I remember I walked straight into the nurses office at school after that vomitous bus ride, and she asked me if I wanted to try and stick out the day... She must be on crack or something... but I said, "bitch pallease! No way, send me home," and it all worked out. If anyone who reads this entry feels the need to make fun of me for being 'the kid who puked on the bus'... Don't bother. It was last year. I've already heard it all. Also, my sister referred to me as "Puke Face" for the duration of that week. The whole situation was really pretty friggn amusing. Even at the time, I was literally laughing about it. I think I might be weird.
Gym is so friggn lame. Team handball is clearly for freaks. Come on.
I'm going out for coffee with Ross today! Yay! I miss the F out of that kid. It's been at least a couple weeks since I have seen him. I also get to see my amazing satan worshiping boyfriend later this evening, which is always a plus. ;P
oooh... and I randomly stumbled upon an old quote that I had written down from a dear friend today:
"I was cool. I was really cool. I had my mushroom haircut, I listened to 311, and I played Nintendo on sunny days!" -Brendan. Haha, Bren, you are a dorkasaurus.