s: so are we very sad today?
candid: we are slightly sad
candid: it's not like it was a good state of affairs pre-biden
s: i'm sorry
s: would you remind me again why you dislike him so much?
candid: he is terrible on drugfs
candid: drugs
candid: he authored
the RAVE act s: and that's the main reason?
candid: and the "
defining addiction as a disease" act
candid: he's also
terrible on IP candid: he's
in bed with the RIAA s: yes, i thought i remember you being upset about IP stuff with him
candid: those are the two main reasons
candid: but they are both issues I feel strongly about, and he is actively bad on both
candid: (whereas most policitians are just generally bad)
s: ok, that makes sesne
s: sense
s: in other areas is he about as bad as the other Dems?
candid: yes
candid: he's a pretty mainstream choice
s: ok - thank you for the clarification!
candid: he's just terrible on a couple of my pet causes
s: yeah, it seems like you have a much stronger reaction than most other folks
s: but it makes sense given the items you care about in particular
candid: where is ron paul when we need him
s: poor joel!
s: and how do you feel about McCain?
candid: oh, he is a terrible man
s: i find it interesting that no one's talking about how we really have two dreadful choices here
s: who's really excited about either one of them?
candid: I know lots of people who are excited about obama
s: i think if folks are honest, no one really likes them
candid: seattle is full of them
s: do they mean it, or would they have been excited about almost any Dem?
candid: no, they are extra-excited about obama
candid: he's for "change", and so are they!
candid: it's a match made in heaven!
s: uh-huh
s: oh dear
candid: also, he is black, and they've always wanted to have a black friend!
candid: now they can!
s: heh
s: you're making me giggle
s: it's going to be painful to watch it all this year
s: people don't understand why i won't watch the debates
s: it's because it's too painful
candid: also, biden is a catholic
s: is that a plus or a minus?
s: i guess a minus?
the whore of babylon!
candid: it's a minus
s: uh-huh
candid: he'll take orders from the pope just like jfk did
s: well they're all "Christians " - so is that a minus that cancels out across the board?
candid: obama is a muslim, I thought