May 09, 2005 22:23
i dont remember what i did saturday but whatever it was nice. anyway sunday was mothers day as u all know lol and it was pretty nice too. i made my mom a cheesecake and wrote i love mom in green food coloring :) its not the best cheesecake ever but its pretty ok lol i mean she likes it me thinks. she cooked out on the grill..steak, potatoes, and corn mmm and stephanie came over and we um went to the gas station lol and um played video games for a while. i miss her when we don't hang out as much.
today i went out to eat with zach and my family. he finally met my brother, his wife, and their kid. it was pretty good me thinks. he likes my brother lol and i haven't talked to my brother to see what he thinks but he was like i'm sure i'll be seein u again so i supppose that's good. dinner was really nice though. thursday i think he's gonna maybe go to my grandparents with me. i gotta go over there to get my birthday/graduation present and whatnot. that should be fun too. hahaha he might meet my weird ass uncle bo :-x
um anyway i have a project for sociology due may 17th and i'm not gonna be here at all this weekend to work on it so pretty much it needs to be finished by thursday aackk and i have an in class sociology project wednesday thats due friday and i'm not going to be there friday. i have a math project to do still and a test to take tomorrow. english test coming up soon too. stuff is too busy.
i'm excited for kentucky. i get to get away and just be goofy as heck.
oh meh i called brandon to tell him to have a good safe trip and whatnot but i think his cell phone is turned off so i'm kinda mad lol he's going to amsterdam didn't even call and has his phone turned off rawr. oh well lol he'll be okays.
welp ima finish talkin to my zachie and then its off to sleep for me. nite<3