We leave on Wednesday, May 24th in the evening and arrive in London on the morning of the 25th. We have that whole day to ourselves and we don't meet our tour group until the next evening, so that leaves us with some free time to wander around the city.
bimbogrrl I think we arrive around the same time that you do, so we were just wondering if you wanted to meet up for some sightseeing, lunch or something?
Yesterday we went on a super long walk with Emma and her little brother and sister. It took over two hours, but Josiah held up well and had a lot of fun wandering through the woods with the dogs. He had Ben start piggy-backing him after walking for about an hour and a half. He asked if Daddy could go get the car before Ben agreed to carry him.
I thought i'd update with a few pictures of the walk (and one of Jamya).