OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, Aoi... Uruha... Just freaking get married already!!!!!!!>////////<
First it was the magazine, Shoxx 235 I think.
Aoi and Uruha's conversation is so cute and fluffy! (at least to me lol)
They totally ignored the interviewer at the end XD
Yup, just keep on talking to each other^______^ I can live with that XDDDD
That conversation really is so CUTE!!!!!!!
They talked about how they used to share room and stuff, real cute^^
Check it out if you haven't~
http://gazettenohotaru.blogspot.it/2012/10/shoxx-236-uruha-aoi-interview.html And just yesterday,
All the GazettE member went to a radio interview, well they actually went to two...
But anyway,
Guess who are wearing the same T-shirt????????^___________^
That's right!!!!!!!
The freaking adorable, sexy, hot, out-of-the-worldly amazing guitar duo!!!!!!!!!!>/////////////<
DJ:I didn't say it during the program but I was very surprised when the guitarists, Uruha-shi and Aoi walked in wearing the exact same t-shirts. You are very close aren't you.
Uruha: No, I mean, it was by accident..
DJ: This is kind of embarrassing thing to say but when that happened I felt the same kind of bond between you guys as I did when we were talking during the show.
http://ohmygazette.tumblr.com/post/33699016455 Awwwww this is beyond cute~*Wild fangirl thoughts floating around in head at the very moment*
It's even sexy is a way...=/////////=
Just admit it would you?????^^ *smiling an angelic smile at the duo*
Okay, I know it's a couple years ago, but I just love the way these two look at each other...
Perhaps that's how they were looking at each other in these interviews!>//////<
OH AND!!!!!!!!!!!!
The rest of the radio show is hilarious!!!!!!!!! I'm not kidding, it really is XDDDDDD
Reita is just being a dumb ass as usual and they had the funniest conversations~~~
I was laughing so hard that my cheeks hurt LOL
Yeah I didn't understand all of it, but just listening to their voices made me very very happy.>3<
http://www.mediafire.com/?o5x05vgs3gfj78mThis is REDNIQS...
http://www.mediafire.com/?hhxzd5je0d5xsqxand there's also a bit of translation for REDNIQS...