May 19, 2008 16:33
numbers numbers oh magical wonderful numbers... what is it about numbers? i'm not quite sure but they seem to work for me every single time i use them. If i ask or tell the kids to do something and they refuse ALL i have to do is start counting and off they go.. its like magic.. i just dont understand it... i mean i dont even follow it up with a threat, they dont know whats gonna happen when i get to 3 or 5.. i dont even know what i'd do lol, i mean i reckon i'd just keep counting til they get there haha. So weird yet so wonderful.
You'll never guess who had the cheeky fucking nerve to add me as a friend on facebook yesterday... GLEN. Okay now to most of you... wait who am i kidding.. to ALL of you except lisa let me explain....
Glen was a friend of mine.. he was new in South australia and was dating a girl i went to school with. ANYWAY they'd been together a little while when they broke up.. now by this time glen was like a brother to me so when he asked me if he could stay at my place for a few weeks til he found his own place i didnt hesitate in saying yes. So he moved in and you know its true.. you dont ever really know someone until you've lived with them for a while... i started noticing little things in glen that i didnt like.
Long story short one night he snapped, punched my brother in the head, called me a slut, called my best mate at the time now boyfriend a ( I cant remember the exact words but it basically meant he was bludging off me... which is completely the opposite GLEN was the one who owed me rent) and he called my father a fuckwit... he then proceeded to smash my back door in. Budgie (then best mate now boyfriend) and my dad kicked him out of the house. Then the next day when he came back to collect some more things he denied that any of it was his fault and wouldnt apologise. I told him to get his shit and to never contact me again.
So yeah he actually had the nerve to add me as a friend of facebook... couldnt believe it. I didnt confirm of course i just sent him a message saying "How about you send me the money you owe me and then maybe i'll consider it"
Fuckin no hoper.
Other than that i cut the top of my finger the other day while cutting mushrooms... i had a band aid on it for about four days and took it off yesterday. My finger was all wrinkled and gross and now that its aired out a bit i can feel the top of it is kinda numb feeling.. wonder if i damaged it for good? weird.