Jul 09, 2005 11:43
When was the last time you..
cried: yesturday
played a sport: i dunno
laughed: Today
hugged someone: yesturday
kissed someone: Like Two weekends ago
felt depressed: this whole week
felt elated: What?
felt overworked: UM...
faked sick: never...
lied: Yesterday..
What was the last..
word you said: though
thing you ate: cereal
song you listened to: hopeful
thing you drank: water
place you went to: Umm..cape cod hill school.. to play man hunt
movie you saw: Brown Sugar..
movie you rented: Napolean Dynamite
concert you attended: Peppers Ghost
Who was the last person you..
hugged: lexi
cried over: Justin.L
kissed: um...
danced with: Sabrina
shared a secret with: sabrina
had a sleepover with: sabrina
called: My mom
Who called you: sabrina
went to a movie with: not sure
saw: sami
were angry with: justin
couldn't take your eyes off of:someone
obsessed over: I dont know
Have you ever..
danced in the rain: Yup yup I have
kissed someone: yes!
done drugs: Nope
drank alcohol: Yes
slept around: No
partied 'til the sun came up: not really
had a movie marathon: Dont think ive had one
gone too far on a dare: nope
spun until you were immensely dizzy: yup
taken a survey quite like this before: many times
What Did You Do...
Last weekend?:saturday: wen to sabrina's, sunday: went to the fireworks
Yesterday?: went to the school to play man hunt
Your last birthday?: had a party
New Years Eve?: Stayed up all night with Katrina, Chadd, Justin, and danielle..
Valentines Day?: Nothing
4th of July?: went to the fire works
Halloween?: Called people..
Thanksgiving?: Hung out wiht me family
Christmas Eve?: dunno
Christmas Day?: Duh open presents!
Ever Been Called...
Dumb?: all the time..
Retarted?: yes
Ugly?: yes
Hot?: no
Fat?: yes
Anorexic?: no
A waste of space?: no
Useless?: no
Sexy?: no
Smelly?: no
A Slut?: no
Beautiful?: no
Smart?: yes
Quiet?: no
Boring?: yes
A Bitch?: yes
Rebel?: no
Conceited?: no
What are you wearing?: jeans and a purple shirt
Who are you talking to?: Sabrina
How is the weather?:sunny
What are you listening to?: music
What/Who are you thinking about?: Umm..someone
What are you eating/drinking?: Nothing at the moment
What are you looking forward to?:not sure yet
What are you dreading?: Ummm..Nothing
How are you feeling?: sad
How is your hair?: In a bun
What time is it?:1:42
What are you anoyed by?: evrthing..lol
What emotion do you feel the most?: happy, sad, im more of the feeling evrthing type of person
What emotion is the best?: Happy
Worst?: Upset
What songs make you cry?: Heaven..Great song! Right Sabrina!?
What movies make you cry?: Note book....
What always cheers you up?: my friends.
What make you madder than anything?: Stupid People
What hurts you the most?: um..
Which person always makes you happy?im not sure
Depressed?: ..?
Are you a really emotional person?: No
What do you do when you're depressed?: Listen to music
What song do you think was written about your life?: Have no idea
When Was The Last Time You..
Burped?: Like 2 mins ago
Kissed?: cant remember
Had sex?: never
Went to the movies?: Like 4 weeks ago
Went out to eat?: cant remember
Cried?: yesturday
Got dumped?: a year ago
Dumped someone?: Along time ago
Threw up?: Hmm..?
Peed?: haha like an hour ago
Went skating?: dunno
Went for a walk?: wensday
Ate ice cream?: thursday..
Got into a fight?: Ummm..
(okay this thing is just very repetitive)
Who was the last person you...
Talked to?: sabrina
Yelled at?: robyn
Kissed?: dunno
Hugged?: lexi
Went out to eat with?: my mom
Flirted with?: justin
Talked to on the phone?: sabrina
IMed?: joe
E-Mail?: um….
Got flowers from?: dunno
Made love to?: ...
Danced with?: Sabrina
Fought with?: my step mom
Worried about?: Cheering
Wanted to kill?: no one really
Cried over?: justin
Thought about?: My mom
Are you...
Understanding?: yes
Pretty?: I don’t think so..
Nice?: yes
A bitch?: probably
Hard to get?: kina
Confident?: yes…I dunno
Depressed?: sometimes
Hyper?: Yes
Popular?: Sure..
Friendly?: yes
Sexy?: I don't think so
Hungry?: no
Original?: kind of.
Shy?: no
Emotional?: no
Messy?: kinda
Arrogant?: no
Immature?: No not like SOME people
Sad?: yes
Trusting?: yes
Healthy?: yup
Sleepy?: no
Lonely?: yes
Independent?: yep
Romantic?: Umm..
Wow that took for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!