[[ Christmas Time ]]

Dec 19, 2004 00:32


I am so excited about Christmas this year. My mommy and I have had so much fun decorating the house and the tree. We  have been together so much these past few weeks. Charity and I went down to Gatlinburg a few weekends ago and it was so hectic!! Courtni didn't get to go with us :( ! But it was okay she went and spent the weekend with her baby cousin, Cameron. This past week has been so much fun for me and Charity. Haven't done much, but shop ... shop ... and well shop!! Aww * Jason and I have decided that the "so-called" relationship we had was nothing, but a "best friendship"!! I was kinda upset, but not as upset as I was hurt. It didn't really bother me until he came over and brought me some books his mom was giving my mom with some recipes. I just broke down when he left, if Char hadn't been here I don't know what I would've done. I have really fallen for over these past eight months. He is just a best friend to me, he is honestly the sweetest person I know. I love him and I hate it that he doesn't even notice me anymore. It amazes me that Jason was with me for eight months and spent all summer at my house or I would be at his, and now he just up and decides that we are just "best friends"!! I didn't know what to say when he told me, so I just agreed with him. I mean I didn't want him to think that I was one of those obessessive girls or anything. And now I sit and think about how Jason and I had so much fun over the summer. I'm just so confused!! But yeah my mom and Kevin have been wonderful, and him and I have been getting along lately. It is kinda freaky!! He will come over to the house and things and we just get along so well. Aww * my mom and Charity's mom got us puppies that are sisters :) * they are so cute!! We got them as early Christmas presents, we got them today and I fell in love with Caddi and Saddi. Saddi is mine and Caddi is Charity's . They're brown and black malteses :)!! I love Saddi!!! But I guess this is a good enough update for the time being!!

Hope You All Have a Wonderful Christmas and A Happy New Year *

We Love You .. Candi - Char - Saddi - Caddi  :o)

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