(no subject)

Nov 26, 2004 02:01

I am realizing that my last entry sucked ass, so I'll make this one a little more interesting... hopefully..

The show at Fletcher's was lotsa fuuuuun. Still Glow was pretty good... Hail Storm was amaaaazing...I usually cannot get into bands with frontwomen, but this girl's voice was amazing.. Fourth Element was really good.. I hadn't seen them since June and I could tell they've improved a lot in such a little amount of time.. got to see Jordan, who I hadn't seen since June as well.. I didn't think he would talk to me cause I heard he's changed a lot..but he came up behind me and gave me a big hug.. I miss that kid and he seriously gives the best hugs in the world. I went up there with Kelsey, Kelli, and Heather and we met up with Trevor and James and Carmen and Jon.. it really was lotsa fun. And everyone should go see 4E next Friday at the Recher cause I promised them I'd bring 5 car loads of people.

Yesterday was really busy at work... day before Thanksgiving..makes sense... but I had this one shitty ass table.. It was this white-trash looking couple and the woman was a complete bitch to me from the beginning.. anyway...she ordered a bowl of cream of crab soup and she told me she hated it cause we got a new recipe ( which by the way is a gazillion times better than the old one ) but she didn't seem to think so and she yelled at me saying it tasted like crap and she couldn't believe that I changed it..you know, since I make it and all. So I told her I would be more than happy to take it off the bill and blah blah blah...Their check ended up being $51.78 and they gave me $60 and I knew something bad was gonna happen when they asked for change.. cause that's not even 18%..so I give them their change back and the man was already gone and I told the woman 'Have a good evening and Happy Thanksgiving... She left and gave the hostess a dirty look when she told her to have a good evening.. I walk over to the table and on the table was the check presenter with A FUCKING PENNY ON TOP OF IT..Yeah that was my tip.. That stupidwhitetrashwhorebitchwad left me a fucking penny just cause she didn't like the fucking cream of crab soup that I took of her fucking bill anyway.. I mentally stenciled her face into my brain and the next time I see her I'm lodging that fucking penny into her eye. FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH

Thanksgiving was pretty fun.. family bonding is always nice cause it's such a rarity... Went to the Underscore show with Sara, Carmen, and Jon, but oh wait, the band we went to see, finished playing by the time we got there... it was fucking packed too, which I thought was weird..Got to see Voodoo Blue though and they were really good... Didn't stay for Laughing Colors, but they're opening was FUCKING HILARIOUS!! They all got onstage and it looked like the singer was about to sing and they started playing Ashlee Simpson's 'Pieces of Me' and he looked around all confused...you know like she did on SNL?! Oh my god, it was sooo funnnny!

Tomorrow, I am trying really hard to get me and Sara and anyone else who wants to go to see Straylight Run, Hot Rod Circuit, Say Anything, and Northstar at the Ottobar cause I don't work!!! Doors at 5 and show starts 5:45 so call me people if you wanna gooooo!! 410 236 2107


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