(no subject)

Sep 27, 2004 10:42

I want to start this post out by saying: Jessika, I TOTALLY understand why you didn't want to go to Charm City yesterday.....that was the SMALLEST FUCKING venue I could ever of imagined up!  It was like a 20' x 10' room and the ceiling was like 6' tall! It was so ridiculous and when me, Carmen, and  Jon got there, we were the only people that weren't in a band...we were the only 3 people that paid to get in, well I paid for all of us, so sucks for me! The whole time we were waiting for bands carrying their equipment in, all I could do was think about where I was and start laughing, it was that ridiculous! Postscript Apologies played first and they were really good, but the guitarist, Wes' B string broke, so there was a long pause.  They played Hands Down <3 The audience consisted of the other bands, me, Carmen, Jon, and a few girls that came up with PSA. I went up to say hi to Ed, cause I had been talking to him online and told him I was coming to the show, he instantly recognized me and gave me a hug. We all went outside and talked for like a half hour about nothing in particular..I got a free CD..We decided to leave after that, cause the other bands weren't looking too good and we didn't want to get crammed into that basement again, so we said our good-byes and left. Even though I spent $18 total and we drove 45 minutes to see them play in a cellar, something good came out of it: POSTSCRIPT APOLOGIES WILL BE PLAYING AT MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!! How awesome is that?! I'm so excited. I was just kidding around, I was like 'you should play at my party' and they looked at eachother and were like 'okay' Haha, it was great, they said they owed it to me since that show didn't turn out too good, they were saying it was their worst show..But now I really can't wait for my party! You all better be coming! After the show, we went back to the Chophouse, I waited for Kelsey H. to get off work and then we stopped by her and my house and then we went to Carmen and Jon's apartment. I had gotten a voicemail from the drummer, Ed seeing if I was coming that night and to call if I was or wasn't from earlier that day. (I left my cellphone at home by accident) It was cute and we texted back and forth for a while at Carmen's. I went to bed around 2 and now I'm here at TLC from 10-6...blahhhh
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