rant, rant and more rant..

Nov 02, 2003 09:51

rant number one..
I hate when people try so hard to get my attention just to say "hi!" Gawd, and if i dont response the way they want me to, they ask the idiotic question which would be rant number two.. I don't mind if you wanna say hi, but just have more things to say not just HI [groans] OTherwise, just when I look at you or you are near me say hi but, don't act like you haven't seen me in a thousands years and you are ready to jump on me and hug. I understand that is the way you are..but.. it just annoys the fuck out of me. I love it when people say hi in the hallways as we pass each other but, when I am in a middle of converstation and I see you waving your ass off to get another person to get another person to get me.. IS FUCKING ANNOYING. well not annoying but patheic.

rant number two.
I hate it when they get my attention to just say hi.. then I just waved and awakward silence then I just look away, then they come up to me and say What's wrong???? I would look at them and say what? nothing why? they would reply like this Because yOU look DEPRESS are you depressed? [[FUCK NO I am not depress or have any reasons to be at hte moment.. maybe it because you are annoying the fuck out me and asking me if I was depress..]] HAHA I just laugh.. I just want wanna talk because youhave a lack of convostation.. isn't that reasonable enuogh.. sometime at times I am not in the mood to talk.. nor have expressive facial emotions and etc.

At the moment, I just forgot what else I was gonna rant about.. I started to but, then I lost it all.. DAMN FUCKERS.
anyhoo, Halloween was fun and relaxing.. I admit. I LOVE stateville Haunted house. I wasn't scared scared but, a fun scared. I really enjoyed it and worth the trip out there. It wasn't too far from my house, it was where I used to hang out lot.. Joliet//plainfield and Crest view.. THe props and their setting was amazing. I loved it..When we finished BOTH of the haunted housing.. We went to the gift shop and as we left there was this cat. I wish i had my fucking camera.. I did but it was in the car. The cat was dark and had a mixutre of carmal color plus lighter and darker shades of yellowish was walking on this pile scattered of pumpkin. It was perfect I wish i took a shot of that. If it was black and white it would look like a black cat on pumpkins on a halloween night.. The theme was too perfect. As I walked near to the cat I was expected it to run off or be scared. He just climb and walk towards me and jump into my lap as I knead down. I was in love with the cat, It was so friendly and all I wish I could take it home but, it was his home right there and plus Pat would be sneezing all the way home. LOL . We just went to my house and rented lot of horror movies.
the following
-the shining
-nightmare on elm street [we never got to that]
-28 days later [sticky brought it over but we didnt finishit because it was time for her to go home.. DAMNIT lol ]
-the ring
I think that was it. It was a nice night, pat just slept over.. I think I pass my flu to him [sorry] Yesterday, I couln't really sleep I was rolling around and everything, I kept waking Pat up i guess or he wasn't sleeeping. About 4ish I think i fell asleep when I woke up about twenty mins he was on the floor. He looked adorable I was watching him for a bit.. until I fell asleep. I was up at 7ish watching a movie on tv and then I just woke and sleep for a while, then I just got up as my parents told me a good news that they were heading to my sister's house and pick up my CAR! FUCK yeah.. I now have a car.. BUT at the moment I am letting my mum borrow it since her car broke down and she needs transporation to work while I am at school which is not a big deal. [my cat is sleeping right next to me and he looks sooooo fucking adorable. I'll post a pic later] I was gonna go with and get it myself but, Pat was sound asleep and I wasn't that great .. feeling ill i meant. I just crawled back in bed then kissed Pat a several times. Then a while later he woke up and we just cuddle together and I just fall asleep again Haha. I got dressed we watched tv for a while.. then he went got me mcdonalds for lunch then Lyn stopped by and we chatted for a while then her car died because of no gas HAHA i laughed.. We helped her out then I went back inside and we watched loads of movie. I had chores to do so i did the dishes and pat helped me vacumn the living room. I went to my room not feeling to great. As I was sleeping in and out he cleaned my room, made me tea and all that bs. PERFECT BOYFRIEND THERE IS! lol . he went home.. :0( he tuckedme in bed tho.. so cute

Today I am suppose to hang out with Lynnie!!!! haha
I'm gonna call her in an hour while i take an hour nap haha.
hmm, OHHHH MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 3 weeks from today! WHOOO
I am looking foward to it..

I'll be 18 I know I am old..
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