Apr 23, 2008 22:18
OK so State of Play may well be the most briiliant frikkin' thing I have EVER seen on television (so far as miniseries type things go). I have one more episode to go and I am just blown away at the quality of this stuff. It makes me love John Simm EVEN more and OMG Billy Nighy is a genius, don't you think?? And, yeah, Phil Glenister....It will be a miracle if I don't download Life on Mars in its entirety this week. In fact, I may start on that tonight....After I finish the last episode of State of Play.
And fangirlish squee....Umm, I typically don't like jewelry on dudes too much. I love a nice chain around the neck, particularly the view from the back of the neck (hockey players, had a thing for them growing up *grew up in Boston, hello Bruins....Went to a school where hockey was life and I had a mad six year crush on the assistant captain...*remembers how hot he was*....), when they got all sweaty and that little bit of hair would hang down all damp on the neck and cling to the chain.....OH GOD. Stop it. So yeah, the chain always got me, and Simm's Cal has that going on in this....But also he wears this gold rope bracelet thing that I rather enjoy looking at.
Ha, so yeah....But the acting in this, it is superb, really is. Killer story too, and yay for being directed by David Yates!! Seeing as Order of the Phoenix stands as my favorite HP movie yet, well....I don't know where I was going with that other than I really enjoy David Yates. : )
Soooo.....David Morissey. Eleven??? Yeah?? Nah, I mean they are just rumors right, but wow, if it was....I gotta tell ya I could totally be down with that. I mean, I have seen him in State of Play now as the lead opposite Simm and in Blackpool with Tennant and the man can hold his own. Not to mention he has a Liam Neeson look about him. Did I mention how I adore Liam Neeson? Come on, dude was Qui-Gon Jinn!! (and pardon me for saying it but he made the sexiest Oskar Schindler....)
So I don't know, I mean I just think Morissey is playing a Doctor in the Christmas special, but the the fandom is going nuts with it. Funny stuff. I think Tennant is set to play Ten through all of 2009 and its specials, and I dunno, I keep hearing about this "reliable" source and a botched regeneration and what not but....I will believe it when I see it.
doctor who,
spoilery spoilers,
state of play,
john simm is gorgeous isn't he?