Apr 07, 2008 11:03
Welcome to my incredibly emo Monday morning post. I am sitting here in my pajamas, still, and listening to some Indigo Girls, hence the title of this entry, which by the way is such a great lyric. And exactly how I feel today.
I don't know what it is really, just a feeling, I get it from time to time, probably more often than I admit, that feeling of, I don't know...darkness? Despair? I don' t know really, not sure it is a feeling that I can clearly label. Not sure I want to.
I feel ridiculously bored and lazy and tired one minute and completely off my rocker up and raring to go the next. What is that? Maddenning is what it is. It's right there, just out of my reach. I will go pick up my son from school any minute now and put my mama face on and try my hardest not to...I dunno, not to be me I guess.
Two years ago I swore this situation would be resolved, that my life would be more what I want it to be, not merely a succesion of circumstances that leads me to a position I have no control over. But where am I? Yep, still here, still trying to make sense of everything, still trying, quite frankly, to figure out how I even got here.
i tend to babble