Nov 01, 2010 18:32
Those of you doing NaNo this year? GO YOU! (And me!) Those of you not doing it? SMART MOVE! LOL ;) I got in 1000 words today so far, and I find I'm already best at the story when my two leads are on page. I feel like I know them already. The other characters, though? Sort of walking in without introducing themselves and showing up on my pages. I dunno, three of them did that today, damn it.
**ETA: FUCKING FUCK SHIT BALLS BUGGER ASS FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Was using Microsoft Word 2010 beta version, which you have to MANUALLY SET TO AUTO SAVE. My computer has no working battery so I have to unplug it to move it to another room, did that, did not save, I am SO USED TO GDOCS WHICH DOES IT EVERY FIVE MINUTES OR WHATEVER, and now? NO DOC. Even went to hidden files and recover lost document setting and NOTHING IS THERE. I know it's my fault but still FUCK. FUCKITY FUCCCCCCCCCCCK.
So annoyed.
Let me see, what else?
Uh, SPN? I liked that last episode, for the most part. I skipped over almost all the Sammy parts. I find Jared too over the top and frankly...boring so far this season. Jensen is knocking way the fuck out of the park, though. And bonus!Cas is always nice.
And Sherlock. Well. Wellwellwell. I went and downloaded the other two episodes, of course, because I am greedy and impatient and OHMYFUCKINGGOD is all I can say. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Sadly, I don't love most of the fic I'm finding, though. Most seem to paint John as a puppy dog and Sherlock as, I dunno, NOT Sherlock. Also? I lovelovelove Lestrade. LOVE. SO MUCH. Love.
Halloween was yesterday, did you all have a good day? It was really freaking cold out here, almost near freezing, but still so many kids were out and about. Peter's costume (unknown phantom with glowing red eyes, that I personally think looked like a Jawa from Star Wars only with a black robe instead of a brown robe) was a big hit with the kids and the adults. One lady gave him candy with a dollar taped to it, said it was her idea of a best costume prize :) He was quite pleased with himself, I assure you.
Doing Weight Watchers online, not so much to lose a bunch of weight, I'm pretty happy with how I look most days, but more to feel better, because lately I feel like crap. Lots of headaches, lots of heartburn, lots of aches and pains. I like the WW tracker, it helps me go back and review a good or bad day and see what I did, you know? I'm down 2 pounds so far.
And, uh, something like 36 days until Inception is out on DVD. Just saying.
What's up with you guys?
in which i talk more about my kid,
holiday fun with jen,
i watch supernatural for the plot