Because awhile back I asked
a_flower for a letter and she was gracious enough to bestow upon me the letter M... **ha, pretty sure it was eight things, so here are eight things**
1. Morsmordre...Because it is my favorite part of Goblet of Fire, when the yummlicious David Tenant, playing Barty Crouch jr. raises his wand to the sky and calls forth The Dark Mark
2. Magical...Because it is one of my favorite descriptive words.
3. Menage a trois...Because three is sometimes better than two.
4. Machinehead...Because it is my favorite songs from the 90's.
5. Mutant...Because I am now and always will be an X Men fan.
6. March...Because the promise of Spring and warmth are in the air.
7. Music...Because I could not live without it.
8. Moon...Because she inspires me.