Comment to this post and I will give you five things/subjects I associate with you!!
I asked
fuvenusrs if I could play along and here I am with my five things:
Porn: Haha, what can I say here?? I like to write it, sometimes watch it...Especially the kind that features two ridiculously hot boys in compromising positions. Yeah, porn is good!
Life on Mars: My all time favorite television show! I fell in love with it as soon as I watched the first episode, which for me came right on the heels of falling madly in love with John Simm as the Master. This brings me to the next subject here, so closely related, because me and Shane watched a flurry of episodes in unison, each downloading and watching then reporting back the next day.
Shane: Oh, Shane. I adored that boy so much, in fact, I still do, though if I am being honest I still am angry with him as well. Even though we were so clearly different we got along so well and were instant friends, which I guess on his end of things was rare, which just made me fall even harder for him. I still go to his lj sometimes and stare at it as if it will make things change, as if it will bring him back to life. The epic Doctor Who/Simm/Tennant fic we wrote together is still one of my favorite things I've ever written and I still get comments on it now, a year after it was completed. *sigh* Miss him terribly.
Your boy: My boy! My crazy, handsome, energetic, alarmingly smart, voracious reader, able to drive me up a wall in an instant boy! I love that kid more than anything, and of course, talk about him all the time! I never thought I would have kids, and neither did anyone else, I got the "Really? You're having a baby?" speech a lot when I told people I was pregnant, and I don't plan on having any more, but I can tell you that I can not imagine my life without this child. He rocks my world every day and I am proud to be his mother, even if most days I think I am mediocre at mothering at best. I give him love though, best I know how!
John Simm: Unf. That man...That man is just incredible. An amazing actor, versatile and charming and sexy as fuck. He isn't typically handsome, either, he's slight, thin, balding...I DON'T CARE! His eyes are the color of whisky, his smile can be both aloof and sly at the same time and he tends to play a cad in most things, but good GODS I just can't get enough of him. Sam Tyler, Cal McCaffrey, The Master (a personal favorite of mine!), Edward Sexby, Raskolnikov...He brings a heart and heat to every role he plays and transforms himself into that character, and the man can absolutely smolder on screen when he wants to I tell you!