Sep 21, 2006 21:35
right now i am sitting in an old farm house in byron bay australia. i am sitting beside my friend rasmus. he is eating an orange and that's all i can smell. i am eating strawberry's. its quiet in here cept for the movie in the other room and us talking.
i have been away from home for over 6 months. and i am so ready to go back. i did this thing called a DTS through its a discipleship training school through youth with a mission. its really great. it has been...interesting. definately changing but not in the ways you would expect..which is good. im glad God broke the box.
in the time ive been gone i have also gone to cambodia and vietnam...its part of the school. it was astonishingly great. i had a great time , it was definately so hard at times.
i think maybe ill start to update me something to do... brings back the memories.
so that's all i have to say right now. im sad because my two good friends went home. i get sad when i dwell on it and think about it... so i have to stop myself from doing that. soon i will be able to get on the plan and go home!!