Let's see.

Nov 01, 2005 14:19

So this morning I woke up at 730, started walking around, made myself some egg whites and realized that my head was still hurting from falling backwards down stairs and hitting my head on the kitchen floor on Sunday (Seizures, i'm not abused folks). So I decided to skip class and sleep in. Tuesdays and Thursdays I don't come to work until 12 so I figured it would be a nice day to sleep in. So I got Pedro out of his cage, let him outside, and brought him to bed with me (shhh, don't tell Isaiah there was a dog in our bed). 10am, my alarm goes off: I get out of bed, take Pedro outside to pee, come back in to get a shower, get ready, take Pedro back outside. Just when I'm ready to leave I realize that I can't find my cell phone or keys anywhere (at this point it's 11am). So I'm running around the house searching, searching, and finally I think maybe I had them in my car. I go out to my car, no luck. In the meanwhile, I'm talking outloud "Pedro, oh Pedro, where are my keys" (ok I was really singing that). So I resort to going to my neighbors house and using her phone to call Isaiah. I call him and he tells me that my cell phone is in his car, but not my keys. I'm frantic -- the time 11:28. I call work, tell them what's going on. Then I call my mother in law and LUCK, she can take me. So I thank Brenda for letting me use her phone and I run back to my house in the rain. I walk in and say Pedroooooo where are you..and suddenly speedy gonzalez comes running towards me with my keys in his mouth. JOY WHAT JOY!!! I run back to my neighbors, call my mother in law to cancel the ride, and go back to my house to get GOING -- the time 11:43.

So that was my morning, crazy and funny all in one package. This evening is going to consist of dropping my ring off at the mall in order to get it all cleaned up and inspected (although i'm 1 day late on that and the lady is making an exception), and then i'm going to go to California Fitness, change my payment option, and run my 2 miles on the tred mill and maybe lift some weights too.

On Saturday...YOGALATES STARTS :). I need to go buy a mat...don't let me forget!
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