nosey fucking people.

Jul 09, 2005 18:38

Ok some people are so dillusional, or i believe they are just sad inside.

I don't take anyone that does crystal meth habitually, seriously whatsoever.
All of the tweekers I've known, which unfortunatly are quite a few now, seriously have lost their real personality. I feel I am talking to a blanket.
Forever I will get flashbacks of the escort that scammed her way into my house while I was living in florida. (remember the bitch who stole my underwear?)

I don't think my personality is really that addictive because I do use my mind and know that certain things are just wrong, and that you shouldnt do them.
When I do become older and more shriveled, i don't want to feel long term effects of nasty things like uhh glass.

I believe there is a point where people should reach a certain age and fucking realize the big picture, that drugs really aren't worth it.
If you want to waste yourself, thats fine I guess, but personally I get tired of feeling like shit after a while. (even tho when i used to get sick was when i'd feel normal and my "best") ... I know freaky isn't it.

Likee uhhh play with play dough!! read a book - make REAL music - enjoy yourself!

I remember back when all I ever did was smoke maddddd weed and ate mushrooms once in a while. I was sooo chill. I had to TRY to raise an eyebrow, nothing could piss me off... I just didn't care.
My taste in music was much more rich and defined. I miss that, i'm returning to that state of mind, or at least a much more mature version of it. (anyone cool can join me)

I've made my mistakes, I'm tired of them. I was a bad person. I'm probably the laziest fuck in this whole universe. I'm sick of feeling like a moron and its fucking about time that I grow the fuck up and start taking care of my buisness, without your help or your help or your help. I've become quite disgusted and disapointed in myself, for I know I could accomplish some wonderful things.

So ya, i'm turning over a new leaf. I'll make something of myself, then maybe I could possibly party again once in a while and feel worthwhile, while i'm doing it. Not like i'm running anymore. I'm sick of running.

Now if only i could scheme or conjure up some magnificent plan to get the dollars rollin.
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