Apr 01, 2007 21:55
well.. thursday ben came over, then went to work at the bowling alley. it was gay. friday went to meijer with my mom, came home, did nothing, layed aroudn nad watched tv, didnt feel good. ben came over at like 9:30 or something... we just layd and watched tv, fell asleep. woke up at 330 and he left. then sat i woke up early and had to work at hte bowling alley 8:30-3:30 then i had ot go straight to hollister at 4. i worked till 630 then got a phone call from my mom sayign my uncle died. he was my cousins uncle but same thing, adn i was reallly upset so i went home, changed adn went to the bowling alley wiht my dad. cause i had to pick him up anyway. came home nad passed out. woke up early again today to work at the bowling alley untill 230. came home and went to office max, sams club, payless, adn kohls with my mom. then came home and did nothing for a lil, then went to bdubs with jeff dan and eric. then me and jeff went to joes and stood around... boreing. then i went home. and now im sitting here, about to go to sleep i guess bc i have nothing better to do.
so yeah.. me and ben are in another fight, think for good this time.. =/ it sucks, bc on tuesday when we hung out all day.. i LOVED it. more then anything. no fighting or anything. then just stuff keeps happening. and it sucks. i know i want to be wiht him, adn idk whats going ot happen wiht it... idk.. i guess im just trying not to think of it, bc its hard. but idk. i guess ill just try and get some sleep. peace.