Sep 08, 2004 17:33
hey all. today was a good day. i enjoyed band. we just played through the show music we have so far. i like it. and if u dont like it u can go suck on an egg. then in math we just did the cw and hw. haha. my group is so funny. chris is so random...."so how was ur guys' 3 day weekend?" lol...and jordan was singing all kindsa rap songs. me and christy were just laughing the whole time. then in chem we just talked about our reading and then we did a bubble lab. YAY! hehe...we got to make bubbles. i think i did ok on the woman warrior essay. i kinda made a lot of it up but it sounded good so lets hope for the best. same for the patriot chiefs test. but we got to use the notes we took on it so i did ok on that. in soccer...once was 5000 degrees. even coach said so. so we only had to run a mile and a half...but it still took me forever cuz it was so damn hot. afterwards i just went to the band room. i didnt wanna go home so i just watched pit practice. got to name all the ppl in band. not too difficult. ahmed said i can be in winter drumline *yay* haha. o i saw eddie today. he's fun. he came to see drumline but they didnt have practice so he just chilled. i miss him so. i <3 monkey