Hot Pixie Action!

Aug 13, 2003 19:32

Nice attention-grabbing subject?

Well, here it is... the thirteenth... and just like I said, I'm back. Back to being back.

Back to back.

I have to register for classes tomorrow because I'm a lazy moron who didn't do it last semester.

My girlfriend, Erin, comes back here from her summer at home.

So, needless to say, I have some mixed feelings about waking up in the morning, but for the most part, it seems like a pretty good policy to instate.

With my life at the point that it's at, it becomes apparent that the question is whether it's worth it to keep working my cashier gig. I have more classes to finish up than I'm probably going to be able to take care of in just one more year, and that is an uspeakably sad state of affairs. I have some studio classes coming up, and that means late nights on campus sneaking into buildings because I can't be bothered to go to public safety and ask the officers there for a key, which they've probably lost anyway.

Anyhow, just for embrosia, here are some pics of the results of my hair chopping:


I would have vogued a little, but I'm not wearing any pants. The decision to even put on a shirt was made strictly out of kindness, to save the world from the horrors of seeing bare Candall-flesh.

However, I'm pretty broke, so anyone out there who wants to pay for such horrors can probably be helped to work something out.

No? Well... I was just kidding anyway. So there.
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