Jun 08, 2003 01:09
Man, do I ever hate junk email.
I'm sure you've said that to yourselves from time to time. Am I right? Of course I am.
The only thing worse than junk email is stealth junk email. Junk email that pretends to be something other than junk email.
And I hate it with such demonic bile because it does manage to trick me from time to time, hate as I do to admit it. I'll occasionally get a letter with a subject line that might actually be someone commenting on my website, so I'll check it.
Nine times out of ten, it's someone who has taken a personal interest in the size of my penis, and wants to do something about it.
It's not so bad that someone is interested in my penis. That's not the problem. I just don't appreciate being let in on it at the last moment, within the body of the message. If you're so interested in my penis, please let me know up front. Put it in the subject line. It might say something along the lines of "About your penis."
Then I can brace myself.
Then maybe we can work something out. Then we can discuss the size of my penis like the civilized adults that we are.