Feb 03, 2005 20:04
Enamored stammered, stammered touch, human touch. Touch me, here, there everywhere. Hammer me, feel me. Humanity dignity. Fine lines, fine people. People, people too many people. Thoughts on everyone, one, one thought, one person, more thoughts, enamored thoughts. Crazy thoughts, its now, its here. I feel it now.
Tie me up, hold me down, make it the way you want it…Sharp, hot, tight, description. Sensation, feeling. Feelings, mixtures, blended emotions, wants and needs. I want it like this, intense, tense, tight. I want it hot. I want to hurt, hurt so good. Hurt with healing, hurt with touch. Tough love, hard love. Make me hard, harden on me. Hot, wet, sexy. Thoughts, dreams, fantasies, reality. Single thoughts, blend, concoct my thoughts, mix me up. Mix up my day into night, and become what tomorrow should have been yesterday.
Today is a crazy day, days for crazy people. I'm lost in this head space that wont sort out. I'm lost and found. Found, to the lonely hearted looking for connections in all the wrong places. I think I turned off the ooz, I turned off me. Turn me on. Turn me on and over and round again. I'm crazy. Crazy for you, want you, need you, who are you? Find me, cause I don't know where to look for me, let alone you, You alone. Where are you?