Hello everyone. In case you're wondering I am posting today to talk about the awesomeness that was the HF0 premier. Well, was it as awesome as the season two premier, IMHO no but it was pretty good. Let me tell you what I liked and please, beware of the spoilers:
-Wo Fat's escape. I have to say if you're going to bust out of jail that is a pretty damn good way to do it.
-Adam saving Kono because who wouldn't want someone that hot jumping in to save your life.
-Catherine kicking ass. What can I say, Girl Power
-Kono jumping on top of the car and firing shots in toothpick guy's chest. Once again Girl Power
-Danny's new ringtone for Rachel
-Chin finally putting an end to Delano. I don't care what no one says I was rooting for it. So sad for Chin, losing the love of his life like that.
-Steve not immediately welcoming his mother back with open arms and calling her Doris. Have to say I would have done the same thing.
-Kamekona because he always makes me smile and seeing Max as well, even if it was just for a spell.
Now what I could have lived without:
-The whole Meth heist. At first I thought they were trying to get the 28 mil but when I found out it was for drugs I was a little disappointed. Not to mention the plot kinda reminded me of Die Hard 3 when the terrorist bombed the subway as a way to rob the bank and steal gold bars. Love Bruce Willis and if you haven't seen that movie sorry I spoiled it for you.
-Steve telling Danny to just pack up and go to Vegas. Now I'm not saying this because I'm a slash fan girl but dammit Steve you're supposed to fight beside (for) Danny and let him know that you're going to support him 100 percent. That's what I was hoping for and I didn't get it. Made me sad and a little disappointed.
-The cargument between Doris and Danny. I'm sorry but carguments are only reserved for Steve and Danny and are not extended to other family members. I will admit the banter between the two was a little entertaining, until she tried to give Danny parenting advice and call him Danno. A part of me really wanted for Steve to tell Doris to cram it after she called Danny a smartass. I seriously give Danny props for ending the conversation, not because he didn't have anything else to say but because he's old school and was taught to mind his manners when speaking to his elders. Still, I would have loved a small scene where Danny put Doris in her place.
There were a few more things I loved and a few more I didn't but I will say this. I know in the past there was speculation that Steve and Wo Fat could possibly be related and I laughed it off but after last night's episode I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have. I mean, come on, Doris fires three shots into the floor while Wo Fat, after searching for years forthe person responsible for his father's murder, just jumps out of the window. I'm thinking spy got to close with asset, got pregnant, had to give baby away, kills father, and leaves because she couldn't live with the guilt to start her life over. Either that or Steve's mother is actually a traitor and was working with the Chinese selling government secrets. I could live with either of those outcomes, just saying.
Hopefully we will find out the truth and it won't be soap operaryish (don't really know). Tell me your thoughts if you agree or disagree with me in any way.