As requested I am now placing my reviews under a LJ cut. Living on the east coast of the U.S I tend to forget about the rest of the world and their time lines. A simple mistake that I hope doesn't make me seem like a douchebag. Anyways you probably don't care about my spazziness and would much rather read my review so here it goes.
What didn't I like about this episode. To be honest I really liked it. Now, once again it wasn't the best one I have ever seen but I did enjoy watching it. Here's why.
Danny and Steve interaction - After many depressing episodes featuring a lack of Steve and Danny bromance I was happy to see the two of them together, shirtless. Not in the way that I write about but still it was good enough for me. So happy to hear them having another 'lover's spat', true about the whole spam thing, Danny feeling a little sad by Steve saying they were sorta surfing buddies. I just wanted to hug him and let him know that Steve does care about him he just didn't know how to say it in front of his sister. Also, the look Danny's face when Steve saw the glock cake in the truck. And then to come out with one shaped like a grenade, amazing. Seriously want a cake like that for my birthday, not a cake shaped like a gun but maybe Bugs Bunny since he is my favorite cartoon character.
Steve and Mary - Really happy to see her in the episode. Was sorta put off by Steve's apprehension of seeing his sister but as always he came to her rescue when she needed him. Makes me wish I had an older brother who would rush to my aid when I needed help. Luckily I have two sisters who can be there instead.
Ed Asner - Come on how awesome was he. As someone who has seen his character in the old episodes of Five-O I also thought he was a badass. Tonight's episode just affirmed it. I still can't believe he shot Angela. She should have known better. Really, if you know someone was jailed for killing their business partners they should be the last person you run to for help. Even when they are the only one that can help you.
The return of Candyman (the actor, not the character)
Salt on the cake
Steve's makeshift birthday party
Danny - As usual my love for the blond grows with each episode. Loved how he threatened the ex-cop (can't think of his name right now) with a smile on his face. Only he could sound threatening and look graceful in the process. Did you see that he was shirtless for the first five minutes.
Steve's violent ways- I don't know what it is but when Steve uses extra force on a suspect I can't help but smile while I watch. He looks hot, no doubt about that. Did I mention he was shirtless in the beginning.
What I didn't like
Fryer - I know it's stupid to hate a character but I do. There's something about him that doesn't seem right and I feel if he had the opportunity he would disband Five-0 or put himself in charge.
Wish I would have had a little more Kono and Chin. They are the fab four for a reason. I need my dose of team goodness each week. That's why I watch, duh.
Really can't think of anything else I loved or hated about the episode. If you have any comments feel free to add them in with mine. You may help me remember something I forgot to mention.