Shamelessly ripped off from CFUD.
Name: Cielo, a.k.a Wind
Age: 1289, looks to be in teens.
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 119 lbs
Medical Info: Healthy, if a bit on the skinny side.
Eyes: Bright green
Hair: Blond
Physical traits: Kind of tiny! ...Still pretty small. Gestures a lot and generally can't seem to sit still for long, even while talking. Also always wears a pair of bracelets.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much anything.
Obviously, wind manipulation. He's able to do things like. Force the air out of someone's lungs and prevent them from taking in more air, thereby slowly suffocating them to death, but for the sake of fairness the best he can do in Elegy is just make it kind of difficult to breathe. Because of power-dampening his power is kind of lacking in total destructive potential, but if he tried hard enough he can still summon winds that would knock down the average person onto their backs if they don't have any protection, or a brief tornado. Basically, he's going to tire himself out faster if he tries to do anything beyond silly stuff.
He's naturally agile and flexible, and is very good at jumping and climbing.
Since he's a god thing, he's technically immortal, in that he ages slowly and won't die by natural causes, and he recovers from injuries somewhat faster than the average person. He can see spirits and is generally ping'ed by spiritual things. He also has a highly specific immunity to poison; no matter what, he will not die from poisoning. This does not protect him any other effect it has -- he's basically only immune to the lethality and nothing else. These are abilities shared by all gods in his universe. ...Yeah, they can't explain the poison immunity, either.
Mostly a moot point over the Tones, but Cielo has a weird one-way onmnilinguism, where he can understand any rl language or equivalents thereof, but this doesn't necessarily mean he's fluent in the language unless he's learnt it himself. So you can talk moonspeak to him, but he likely won't be able to talk it back.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Is a wind god! Makes for an interesting ping. For psychics, he's happy happy cheerful and for most of the part shows what he's thinking. Beyond that, psychics will find that he is constantly thinking about his family back home, and he really, really misses them. Especially his dad, since he's kind of gone forever now. And that he's not always as cheerful as he seems to be thanks to that.
They might also be able to pick up that even though he acts pretty childish, deep down he thinks most other people are the real kids.
Memories are a bit trickier because he's old, so hit me up for anything specific.
Can people threadhop with you/in your posts?: Sure, as long it's not srs bizness or private stuff.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Hell, he's probably the one who'll be doing it first! So go ahead.
Can I fight your character?: Talk to me first. If it seems they're trying to actually seriously harm him, he won't hesitate to inflict grievous harm back.
Can I punch/cause your character non-serious injuries?: Sure :|b He'll be a bit upset, but nothing he can't handle.
Maim/Murder/Death: Talk to me for maiming, no to the other two because he wouldn't handle it well at all.
Anything else?: I WILL ALMOST ALWAYS APPROVE OF COMEDIC VIOLENCE, so don't be afraid to ask if you want that to happen.