Welcome Back

Oct 09, 2008 14:33

I amaze myself.  This morning I was thinking about how long it had been since I last posted on here.  It's been a while. I keep putting it off with excuses such as "Well, I have to get this work done, " or "I just don't have time." Or something equally just untrue.  I mean, look at me. Right now. In my office. Door open. Boss in court. And me, knowing I have to write a motion by the end of the week--just typing away.  And not a single legal thought.


I've been in a little bit of a rut lately.  Trying desperately to figure out what the hell I am doing with my life.  It's been an ongoing saga. I had an offer at another firm a few weeks back, but the thought of working in a place where I would be stuffed in a back room with a pile of documents only to be called on to shoot out some info here and there.  Oh, and I could forget about seeing a court room.  I would have to "learn about weekend work" (their words).  And frankly, I was not down with that.  And I know, I know. That's what a lawyer is all about! Weekend work, document piles, etc.  In the end folks, I just was not feeling it. So, more money be damned!

And so, here I still sit.  In the same firm.  But, at least, it looks like we are moving buildings. Into a swanky one down the block.  Where my office will not have a crack in the wall and where we can actually have "real" paralegals and the like. The law firm is picking up! So, I heard. So it seems. So where's my raise?

I had my review. At the end of September. We didn't get to the part where the money was really laid out.  I rescheduled and put it in the books for the next week to discuss my pay.  That was changed. So now, it is set for this Friday.  Which, barring the end of the world, should finally set what my pay will be.  Do I expect a HUGE raise? Maybe.  But realistically, I just need something to keep me convinced that I didn't totally screw up by not leaving when I had the chance. Wish me luck.

Well, the one thing that did come out of the review was that I now have a "personal trainer" at World's Gym.  His name is Richard Power.  Dick Power.  Yeah, I can't make this stuff up. Yeah, I know. It sounds glamorous. I go twice a week (just started--and already had to cancel today because a court file blew up before a motion this morning).  But, here's the thing. I have a feeling it may be used against me for my increase in pay.  What it comes down to is this: I'd rather be a fat well paid lawyer than a fit underpaid one. We'll see how that argument goes tomorrow.

And just in case you were wondering:  Although I have only gone to one session with "Mr. Power", I feel like my upper body has just been run over by a Mack Truck.  "Come on, John! Two more!!"  I was afraid of what would have happened if I stopped.  I mean, the guy is huge.  HUGE.

So, that's that.  I still get occasionally blamed for screw-ups that are completely not mine (How could you send this motion out without attaching this exhibit!---when in reality, the big guy wrote it himself) and I still seem to never get the full "atta-boy" for my successful attempts.  In fact, even when I do manage to nail something--and I mean, wham! bamm! NAIL it.  I often get a look like, well, congrats, you didn't completely screw this up, but in the future, I'd also have added this or that.

Look. I know doing good work should be expected.  But for the love of Darkwing, throw me a flippin' bone once in a while!

That's all for now.  I'll leave you with this: Michigan football makes me sad/mad this season. Hazelnut powder flavored coffee is not as good as I thought it would be. And, never hire a Jewish law clerk because apparently EVERYDAY is some sort of holiday.

Simply. Amazing.
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