Sep 18, 2004 02:32
Hey, I want a nose ring...
So, pretty good Friday considering the pouring rain, although it did create a hell of a little flood in and surrounding our building. Too bad my pictures don't do it justice, I'll still have to put them up though, with thorough explainations to make up for the lack of quality. I mean, it was impressive, to say the least. And it kept me inside so I caught Roswell on SciFi! I miss that show a lot.
Played some Monopoly *gasp*!! Actually, I was part of the game's only "team" as opposed to all of the other single player characters, and I spent the time trading in all of our money for $1 and $5 bills. Hey, at least it looked like we were on top, even though the total came to only like two hundred dollars or something. Silly game. Umm... what else. Ordered pizza after my sly powers of suggestion overruled everyone else's rationality, however, I came away gulping down Jon's bottle of Tums.
Besides that, spent a good portion of time talking. At dinner, during Monopoly, with a random drunk guy that decided to waltz into the lounge at the same time we did and got us discussing all sorts of things. Like religion. Afterwards, Jamie and I ended up talking for prolly an hour or two just on the nature of religion and ideologies, etc. It was sort of inspiring, the way she is so passionate about her faith and her conviction, without imposing her ideas upon you like you should feel bad about not being Christian. We don't really talk about religion here which is kind of disappointing. I guess since the majority of my close pals are all Christian, they all know where each other are coming from or something. I guess. Anyway, the one thing that struck me was that Jamie had turned her light on behind her, early on in the conversation, and the entire time we were talking, it was illuminating her hair and head, coming up behind her like some sort of modern, flourescent halo. Huh.