IDC 2012 in June, Arnan Sipitakiat and Nusarin Nusen discussed how they are using
Robo-Blocks-a turtle robot and “tangible
Turtle Blocks”-to teach problem solving and debugging skills to 5- through 12-year-olds.
One of the things I learned from their presentation was that children had difficulty reasoning about relative angles. The Robo-Blocks robot does not have any distance feedback on its motors, so “the result of a program will change depending on the roughness of the surface and the battery level of the robot.” They worked around this issue by developing a protractor tool to guide the children's reasoning about the relationship between the (arbitrary) numbers entered and the amount the robot turned, but some kids still had difficulty. The researchers “often had to insist on trying the protractor” and “some children preferred to keep increasing the turn amount even if a small decrease would have fixed the problem” resulting in programs that had the robot making multiple complete rotations before setting off in the correct direction. The kids were also dissatisfied with polygon-drawing tasks (“
turtle geometry”) because the inaccuracies of open-loop control of the robot means that the polygons often didn't close completely, and “[t]his small error turned out to be unacceptable to children.”
So I designed the XOrduino turtle robot from the start to have distance sensors so that it can do accurate turns with closed-loop control. Here's a little video showing how they work in the current (A1.5 / B1) revision of the board:
Some bonus pictures of the speed sensor on the workbench:
- The robot on the workbench with probes.
- Signal from the motor speed sensor. 5ms/div .5v/div. Motor is running at full speed, unloaded. Two dips are seen: the larger is from a piece of white paper glued to the rim of the gear; the smaller is from a spot made with a white paint marker (the paint didn't stick very well). White-out worked much better (as shown in the video above).
- Oscilloscope settings