Sep 30, 2006 14:38
Alriteyy..Well Friday 9/29/06 was supposed to the day of a small group of friends having a get together to act stupid and get drunk and have a good time at Stephen Kumar's house, But things didn't turn out that way. Kyle, Vic, Ryan Duffield, his bizzotch, and Steve were just hangin out at his place listening to music and smoking cigarettes. Then Ryan's girl's sister and her boyfriend showed up and got us $90.00 worth of alcoholic beverages. As soon as we get everything into Steve's house I kicked into party mode. Right as I was about to grab my first beer of the night Steve's dad busted in and fucking flipped out that we had all that alcohol. He was like GET THAT SHIT THE FUCK OFF OF MY PROPERTY! NOT AT MY HOUSE! so Kyle, Vic, and I bounced to D&D and got us some bagels n shit. So Kyle calls up 'Ol Reliable and she picked the three of us up from the movie theater. She dropped Vic and I off at his place and Kyle went home. I guess somewhere during the evening Kyle got arrested for the thing he posted on his myspace. Which is fucking bullshit because he clearly stated "i wish the school burned down". It wasn't like he said he was going to actually do it. wtf so ghey. Anyways back to my evening..Vicster and myself end up hangin around his place for a couple of hours trying to figure out plans for the evening with our 20 something beers. So after about an hour we got ahold of Megan Mcgrath and she tells us to go over to her house to hang out with her and Alexa. By this point of the evening I'm tired as fuck from waking up at sixAM with about 4 hrs of sleep the previous night. So Vic hooooooksss me the fuck up with some Adderal and we begin our journey of getting to Meg's house. So when we get there Meg's dad let us in, he seemed like a pretty cool dude. Vic and I walk upstairs and boom there's alexa and Bobby King. So were all hangin out just bullshittin and then Meg fills me in on how her parents don't care if we drink at her house. That fuckin blew my mind away. So Vic, Bob, and I start drinkin and after Bob finished a few beers I was like YO HOW THE FUCK DO PPL SMASH BEER CANS ON THEIR FOREHEAD? so we all attempted it. Bob tried like 54 times and like fucked his face up hardcore. he's a funny bastard. So then everyone got extremely drunk, and Bob hooked me and Vic up with some shots of some good Vodka and I was feelin on top of the world. After that we played a drinking game..forgot what it was called but it was basically a card game with drinks out the ass it was pretty fun..we didn't get to finish it though because everyone like drunkenly ended up leaving the table. After the game Vic and I chilled for a little while more and then went back to his place. It was a pretty sick Friday night.