Hey there

Jan 05, 2008 16:03

Well, I saw Sweeny Todd with my two cousins and the brother. It was good; I especially loved the song "Worst Pies in London". Sadly, I was trying NOT to laugh like an insane person, because, while I liked the voices it was hard for me to see some of them singing. Or, I was thinking "Okay, in about two movies, this will be what someone looks like as they die" and then I laugh insanely.

As of right now, I just finished talking to a friend of my cousin's (seeing as we are celebrating her birthday),and totally botching my Spanish. If it weren't for her, her friend would be looking at me funny. Course, brother and his girlfriend enjoyed confusing him *they think* by asking random questions and not saying who was typing what.

Well, that's enough for now.

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