['Clothes, books, wallet, passport-" Matthew went through his suitcases for a third time, sifting through everything and absolutely making sure he wasn't leaving anything behind. Not that there was much left- His dorm room was virtually empty, walls overly-white and blank without the scattered hockey posters hanging up to decorate them, shelves empty save for a book he still needed to sell back to the university bookstore, and desk sitting lonely under his window. It was bitter sweet.
He knew that in less than a hour or two he'd be 'home'. He'd be able to see Kuma again, his mother and his step-father, but he knew he wasn't staying there. It was where he had spent the last half of his life, but it still... wasn't home. Jean was nice, his mother ever supportive if a little anal- but he missed Alfred. Not that he'd ever tell his twin just how much he did miss him.
But everything was changing so quickly and even if Matthew had planned out everything meticulously and laid everything out- He had to take a breath, sitting down on his bare bed and hunkering down in his red hoodie a little more. This was probably the most bold thing he'd ever attempted. Running off- no matter how much it benefited his career- to America of all places with two suitcases and one dog cage holding every possession that he cared about and every necessity.
A hint of a smirk appeared on his face, hidden under the rim of his sweater and he stood up quickly, grabbing his things and leaving the dorm room never to see it again. Never to walk down this hall again. And each footstep taking him closer and closer to new horizons.
He couldn't wait.
And he didn't have to wait long. After a day of visiting with his mother and step-father he was already on his way. Liberty was a simple three hour straight shot from Montreal and he was already familiar with the system. Customs agents were just as angry, the line at the last Tim Horton's he'd see for a good long while just as long. The flight was oddly calm, his excitement to see his brother somehow stilled for the greater part of the flight until his plane finally touched down and he carefully put up the table tray.
He was home, and his hand was suddenly shaking with the excitement that was all at once hitting his stomach as he tried to grope around his carry on for his phone.
Matthew had finally managed to get out, rounding up all of his bags in some feat of strength that was only due to the hockey season just ending, and he stepped outside. God this was so much nicer than the 4 degrees it was in Montreal- Even though it was later in the evening there was still a heavy spring air, a slight chill evident but nothing like a true spring. After revealing in the magnificent weather however, he finally managed to hail a taxi, quietly reading off the address of Alfred's (and his) apartment.
It barely took any time for that trip either, even though he felt the seconds ticking off like hours and Alfred wasn't answering his phone and at this rate he'd probably have to jimmy open the lock and attack his dead or sleeping (a mix? they both had a tendency to be heavy sleepers-) twin. He reached the apartments and slowly managed to get all of his belongings, quietly heading up to the apartment and finding the door open (of course, ridiculous-).
Only to find Alfred asleep on the couch, the hockey game on TV.
Setting his things aside and quietly closing and locking the door, Matthew smiled tiredly, shuffling over and pulling off his shoes before just flumping over his brother. He sniffed, wiggling on top of Alfred and yawning.
"Hey." he mumbled.]