[music|Van Morrison - Someone Like You]
yeah so midterms were a bitch, not gonna lie. dont even really want to talk about it... all i can say is the true definition of a rotten feeling stems from working hard and producing no results. must be my competitive nature. orgo is getting the best of me, but hey, its really hard on everyone in the class too (favorite post-midterm comment: "you know i drew a flower in one of the boxes?"). *sigh*. oh well.
after all of that on friday, i went to kingdom with PJ and his hammer crew. it was awesome, finally a place to party where they play wicked tunes. hopefully the next time i go, i wont have sorrows to drink away. coz then maybe i wouldnt have drank that tequila shot after i was good and proper. haha. oh well good times.
saturday was leafs game vs. flyers (which really is the battle of my two favorite cities in the world), followed by Quarters with PJ Amy Jere and Jimmy. what i learned: sex on the beach is a faaabulous drink & that there seems to be a growing number of boys that didnt get the memo that popped collars just arent in. then PJ and i left to wander aimlessly on campus, making a pit stop at Gino's and ending up at home.
all in all, a solid weekend. thanks to those that came out. oh and eat shit dr. brook. eat my fucking shit, choke. and die.
p.s. still heartbroken over TUG... that just will never heal...