Jun 27, 2005 18:26
now in the back of my mind I said to myself in the begining of the summer if I would ever see a member of a black Frat or Sorority while im in New England not that I care...don't plan on joining that but today while I was leaving Big Lots not only did I see a Delta Sigma Theta emblem on someone's car and licence plate I think the lady driver was white (not sure they pulled off really fast) which surprised me...not that i've not seen a white person a member of an black organization but spoting that in NH with NH plates was...different cool...my mom was like "what Delta Sigma??" a the way someone who is clueless would say much like when I first got to NCCU which was okay because our family was never brought up in that type of culture...as a matter of fact that doesn't really exist where my rents are from....
working backwards now
work today was awesome since there isn't much to do we took a break from 7:00 until 10 then did inventory then hr lunch break then I cleaned sinks for half an hour then another break then home...maybe it's all that heat and humidity hey getting paid for 4 hrs and not do nothing but sit around is good enough for me.
NH Phantoms vs Charlotte Eagles Friday night over at SNHU was nice tho NH lost to NC the campus is nice.
oh gots me a hairs cut FINALLY! and got new shnazy dress shoes Saturday to look all sharp and all fly when in the super suit
more later