Day 13:
In your own space, set some goals for the coming year. They can be fannish or not, public or private. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Here are some writing goals I want to accomplish this year:
· Write 75,000 in 2018 (signed up for GYWO to help with this)
· Create and submit a short story for submissions ending Oct. 31st this year
· Take part in the 2018 NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge
· Continue to meet with my cousin on a weekly basis (as we did starting Feb. 2017)
· Win at NaNo 2018
Those are pretty big and broad goals, but I know I'll be able to at least take part in all of them. I'm hoping to succeed at all of them too, and a lot of them will feed into each other (i.e. word count goes up for things I take part in, meetings encourage keeping up with writing, etc.). So here goes nothing, 2018.
Originally posted on Dreamwidth where it has