Jan 24, 2006 13:44
Alright so this last week didn't end up being too bad. Overall I think I had an ok week.
Monday Jan 16
I worked in the morning from 7-11 and then came home and did some reading for my class. I went to OB at 4 and was "late" for class just so I didn't have to sit with my gay group members. Well Drew I like but the other too are geeks and annoying as hell. So we did this Personality test and of course I was the one that said I'm an organizational freak...big surprise. After we were done the test and handed our results in we could leave. That sucked cause I didn't have enough time to drive home but I also didn't want to hang around campus for 45 minutes. So I decided to go get something to eat and wait in my next class. I did that and chatted to a few people on line. I love my psych class, it's just something I enjoy learning about and I class goes by so fast. We did a quick little assignment on what we think are the pros and cons or becoming a parent and if we speak from personal experience or just from observation. After that I went to my Marketing class. We got our Branding Plan back for our company project I did really well I got an A+. :) We had a guest speaker that night about why we chose the business program and of course he asked me. Well I couldn't think of a lie so I said the truth that it was just a last resort for me. I didn't know what I wanted to do anymore so I figured business would be the best degree to get me anywhere. I hate being put on the spot and especially being that my class is only 11 people so everyone is looking and listening to you. So then we got out about 20 minutes early that night and I came home watched CSI miami and then went to bed.
Tuesday Jan 17
Well this was a typical tuesday I got up went to work from 7-12. Got my hours cut so I now have tuesdays off and came home and did some homework. I then left at about 4 and did a little shopping at Lakeside Mall in the states. I used my gift card to Victoria's Secret from Eric and they had a great sale going on!! I got 2 bras and they were only 20$ each and then got a little something for the bedroom ;) I met Eric later on at his house and we went to the Car Club meet at Coney. Hung out there for a little while and then we went back home and I did a little homework and fell asleep of course and almost didn't make it to work the next morning. I was 2 minutes late.
Wednesday Jan 18
I went in to work from 8-1 and then came home and started doing some homework. My stomach then started bothering me again so I took something to make it settle and then fell asleep and didn't wake up till 6:45. So I had missed my first two class' and my next one started in 15 minutes. I decided to call it a night and read some more instead.
Thursday Jan 19
This was an interesting day to say the least. I was supposed to be up for 5 am. I set my clock for 5 pm. At about 6:30am I got a call from my manager asking if I was ok. I was already 30 minutes late. So I got up right away got dressed and went out to my car. On my way out I fell on the ice outside and that hurt really bad. So finally at 7 I made it in to work. After I got there I broke a damn Ketchup bottle and it went all over the floor. That night I had to meet up with my group and we worked on our case study. I came home that night and couldn't get a hold of Eric and I was getting a little worried when he had not called me back after 12am. So I went to bed hoping to hear from him in the morning.
Friday Jan 20
I went into work at 7am and still had not head from Eric. On my way home at 11 he finally called me. Thank god I was getting a little worried. But from the meds for his ear infection and being so tired he just passed out and didn't get up at all this the morning. I met up with Joe at 2 and we worked on our assignment and got it all done. Then I got ready and left for Eric's. We met up with Chris and Jacq at about 9 for dinner we went to Carraba's and Wallace and Prince from the Pistons' were there. We didn't bother them and neither did anyone else but it was cool to see them there. Prince is so TALL. That night Eric's ear was bothering him a lot. He was up most of the night in pain.
Saturday Jan 21
We had plans to go to the auto show today with the club but since Eric's ear was still hurting him we decided to go to Urgent Care. Of course they didn't open till 12:30 and we waited 3 hours before we saw a doctor so there was no change in going to the auto show or the dinner at that point. We got home at about 4 picked up Wendy's since we were both starving and rented a movie. We ended falling asleep after eating till about 8:30 we then got up and got dinner and then watched our movie. We then watched Remember the Titans and then I ended up falling asleep again. It was also our 8 month that day but we don't do anything for the little ones.
Sunday Jan 22
Today was another lazy day we got up around 11 went out to breakfast with Chris and Jacq. We then went over to Joe and Sarah's and watched football and then Desperate Housewives. Joe likes the show too so we made Eric watch it with us. We went back to Eric's place and I went home.
Monday Jan 23
I worked from 7-11 and then I got back and did some reading before class. I went to OB and we did a case study and had a discussion about if we think McDonald is forcing emotional Abuse on their employees of other ethnic backgrounds by having them smile and ask "hi how are you?", "Have a nice day!" That was interesting since I was one of 4 white people in my class. I then went to psych and we did another assignment on if we were androgynous or not. Later I went to Marketing and we got our case study back and we had a C+ and it was the highest grade so it's bad but good I guess. We then stayed after class and were able to finish and make our company decisions. So I was able to make it out to watch Eric play hockey at 11:30. After his came I quickly fell asleep and he started tickling my nose with a cotton ball and I thought I was dreaming and I woke up to him with a smirk on his face.
So now I'm here updating and I have to get back to my assignment.