May 25, 2013 18:53
Can anyone explain to me why it is that short weeks are always the longest fucking weeks EVER? We had off on Monday because of Victoria Day, and by the end of Thursday, that day off felt like a million years ago. By the time I left work on Friday, I was just completely exhausted. I've been running running running nearly nonstop all month, and I finally hit the wall this week, where I just didn't feel like I could possibly keep going. I'm almost looking forward to my next two weeks of mostly report writing, even though I know it will turn my brain to mush, just because at least I'll get to slow down and breathe a bit. I've only got two students to finish testing with, and then there will be a whole bunch of parent feedback meetings to have in mid-late June, but the next couple weeks will mostly just be writing writing writing. The downside is that all the reports sort of start to sound the same by the end of it, and the kids start to blend together a little bit, but it's next to impossible to do any testing in June, so this is just how it is if I want to get everything done before the summer. Oh well.
Next month, I will be seeing ALL THE DOCTORS. I've got my regular dentist check up/cleaning on the 8th, and I've also scheduled eye exams for both Brad and me later that same day. Necessary in general, but specifically because I know that my prescription has changed slightly since last time, and I'm on my last pair of contacts. I also have to go to the regular doctor for a physical, including gyno exam. So yes, all the doctors. But I guess then I can make sure everything's good, and get it over with for awhile.
So I got an email on Wednesday from a woman who was looking to have someone take care of her two cats while she's away for two weeks in June. We spoke on the phone about what she's looking for (someone who's comfortable giving her cats medicine and is willing to sleep at her home while she's gone), and then she asked me to email her some references she could contact before we set up a meeting. I haven't heard from her since I emailed her my references, but that was only Wednesday afternoon, and I'm trying not to worry about it. The problem is I really want this to work out, because she pays $25 a day, which works out to $350 over two weeks! And, because this is what my brain does, as soon as I heard that number, I instantly thought of using that money to finance a trip down to the States this summer, and have been in preliminary planning mode ever since. I know that I shouldn't count my chickens and all that, but I don't know how to NOT get my hopes up for things like this. It's just an automatic reaction in my brain, like 'money? money equals funtimes! that means you could go see all your friends in the states! and you could do this and go here and eat that, etc., etc.' And this whole train of thought happens before I've even finished the conversation with the woman. So we'll see what happens. I do really want to go down and see everyone this summer, so I hope we're able to figure out a way to make it happen even if I don't get this cat-sitting gig.
Other miscellaneous stuff that's been going on: my bank stuff is mostly switched over to the new ING account. I've sent in the forms to work and various billing companies to switch my direct deposit and automatic payments to the new account, so once that all goes through, I think I'm set. I got my first free book of checks in the mail, as well as my new debit card, which is all sideways and orange and strange, haha. Also, can we talk about this crazy sudden cold weather that everyone's had the last few days? I find it a little ridiculous that the first weekend of May, it was warm enough for me to run around Canada's Wonderland in a sundress and sandals all day, and now, in the last weekend of May, we have had to turn the heat back on. WTF, weather? Last weekend, the one where I finally thought I was safe to put away all my winter clothes and take out the summer stuff, I was hanging out in shorts. Now I'm back to wearing socks. We have already reached the point at which I should have been done with socks until fall, so I deeply resent having to put them back on. *shakes fist and glares at nature*
Today has been a day of mostly nothing, which was nice. Tomorrow, some of the girls and I are having a brunch at our usual knitting group spot to celebrate two of their birthdays that happened in the last week. And then it's back to work, blah. At least I'm not dreading the summer for once, because for the first time since I started this job, I will actually get PAID over the summer! Hallelujah. What, you mean I WON'T have to go into massive debt again just to get through the summer?! Madness, I tell you. Okay, that's all from me. I think I might go read, because I haven't picked up a book in several days, and that feels really weird. Take care, friends!
busy busy,
eye dr,
money money money