Holy crap, this week has been the longest week ever. I don't even know how it was all the same week. Every single day, I could not believe that it wasn't later in the week than it was. I swear, it should have been Friday by Tuesday, and weeks like that just kind of suck.
First of all, it was bloody fucking cold this week and I was very much not a fan. There were a couple days where it felt like -28 Celsius, which I swear isn't even a real temperature. (That's -18 Fahrenheit. In other words, FRIGGIN' COLD, no matter what temperature system you're using.) I ended up wearing tights under my pants, socks over my tights, multiple shirts/sweaters, plus all my winter gear, and still felt instantly cold as soon as I stepped outside. Do not want! I mean, it's pretty sad when the high today was like -8 or so and that felt positively tropical.
So the miserable weather certainly didn't help the week go by any faster, nor did it help the roads. Tuesday, it was snowing when I left for work, the roads hadn't been plowed or salted yet, so traffic was a hot mess, and it took me half an hour just to get to the highway, when it normally takes me less than 10 minutes. Then of course, I was even more irritated as after driving for a bit, I hit the line where the sky magically cleared and opened up, and it was blue and sunny and no snow to be seen. All I could think was, "Seriously?!" The snow then showed up at work before the day was over. Blah.
The worst, though, in terms of terrifying driving experiences, happened Thursday on my way to work. It was still cold Thursday morning, but wasn't actually precipitating for once, and the drive was sunny. However, there must have still been ice on the road, because after the car in front of me braked suddenly and I did the same, I totally lost control and went into a massive spin. Scared the living daylights out of me, and all I could think was that I was going to cause an accident, and I was going to hit someone/something. I ended up perpendicular to traffic, but through some miracle, I neither hit anyone nor got hit by anyone. I still do not know how that happened, but I guess the people coming behind me must have seen me spin out and slowed down, so that when I came to a stop, they did not hit me. I was able to get my car started again, get it back facing the right direction and keep going, though I did have to then pull over into a parking lot for awhile because I could not stop sobbing or shaking, I was so scared. That total loss of control brought back feelings from my big accident, and I just had felt so sure I was going to get hit, and it just was really terrifying not being able to control what my car was doing. I feel incredibly lucky that I did not actually cause another accident, and that both me and my car are fine. However, I can definitely say that I am so done with winter, and totally ready to move on to another season now, thank you.
Other than that, money has sucked again this month, because EI and CPP have started coming out of my paychecks again. (Those deductions are capped, and once I hit the cap around October, they stop coming out so my pay is a bit higher, but they restart again with the new calendar year.) We were doing okay with my pay the way it was, but we didn't really any extra, so naturally less money = more struggle. Not to mention we have an added bill this month, because York has set up a payment plan with Brad so we can finish paying his remaining tuition balance from last year, and they have basically said they'll send his account to collections if we don't make a payment this month. Great. But, in theory, I'm supposed to be getting my step up on the pay grid right about now, so I should see that reflected in the first paycheck I get of February, in which case, we should be okay again. Keep your fingers crossed, please!
I've got some fun stuff coming up in February that I'm looking forward to, including Sarah's 30th birthday party,
Pucks 'n Purls again (so excited for this one!), and a brunch/clothing swap with the girls the day after. I am optimistic about February being a good month. I think that's all, friends. Hope you guys are doing well!