i don't feel like dancing, no sir, no dancing today

Jun 09, 2012 11:33

Pictures! As requested by utopiandream here. (You want me to take pictures of things? Maybe you ask me, maybe I take pictures.)

inside my purse:

That is technically inside of my purse. Haha, I know, I'm so funny. :p

Okay, the actual contents of my purse, since I assume that's really what you wanted to see. The pile of papers on the left includes some blank envelopes, my groupon for mini golf, our couch order from Leon's, off-line donations for the Relay for Life, a prescription for an acne spot treatment cream from oh, March that I haven't filled yet, something I have to mail, directions to a few places, and last week's grocery list. The small pile in the upper left corner would be all my unpaid parking tickets, and the speeding ticket I got on Thanksgiving. I am still undecided as to whether I will pay the parking tickets, as they were all on my old (NJ-licensed) car, and thus should not transfer to my new Ontario license. So they just live in my purse. The thing at the bottom that looks like a business card is actually a floss holder from my old dentist, which I thought was super clever.

(Other purse occupants that are not pictured here include the camera itself, my phone, and my passport, all of which regularly live in my purse.)

inside my fridge:

I don't think our fridge is too exciting right now. The meats/deli drawer on the bottom is a little empty, because we need to go get some cheese, and we could probably use a few more fruits and veg, but we're decently well stocked at the moment. You should see the ridiculous amount of chicken in our freezer.

my book and movie collections:

Books! The ones that are stacked sideways on the bottom shelf (actually the 4th shelf; I just didn't include the bottom shelf in the picture because there are no books on it) are the ones I haven't read yet. The one that's tilted with its spine up is one that Becca lent me and I haven't read yet. Next to that are knitting-related books. The other three shelves are all books I've read, arranged alphabetically by author. As they should be.

And movies. Tv shows first, then movies, then my one lone VHS movie at the end. (Also, next to that, a CD that is stupidly too large to fit in standard-sized CD slots like everything else.) Whereas the books were all mine, the movies are both mine and Brad's, and to me it's kind of hilariously obvious whose are whose.

Okay, I'm going to go get a shower now so that I can head down to Nathan Phillips Square for the World Wide Knit in Public day gathering. Wooo, knitting! I'm hoping it doesn't thunderstorm like it's forecasted to do, because that might kill some of the knitting outside fun. If I get a chance later, I'll post more of substance. And if not, enjoy your weekends, friends!

movies, books, knitting, pictures, lj toys

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